建築情報学会WEEK 2024開催概要【3/2-5 *4Days】


Thank you to all the members of Architectural Informatics and everyone involved in Architectural Informatics for your regular participation, support, and interest in Architectural Informatics.
AIS WEEK 2024 will be held from Saturday, March 2 to Tuesday, March 5, 2024.This will be the third year for the event, which will be a hybrid (online venue and physical venue). This program has been planned by the respective committees, please refer to the schedule and program.

The first two days (March 2nd and 3rd) will be a hybrid, with the physical venue (KAJIMA-HALL, Lecture Room 15, Faculty of Engineering Building 1, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo) and LIVE streaming. At the entrance, you can see the installation work of the grand prize winner of last year's competition "Challenge 2023".
At the keynote lecture "KEYNOTE," the Architectural Information Students Review, and the annual academic conference "Round Table Session", you can see the research results and discussions of students, members, and experts.

Admission: Free
YouTubeチャンネル:Architectural Institute of Japan Channel
※Kickoff Party、Closing Sessionは一般公開中です


AIS Students Review 2023

2024, March 2nd (Sat.) AM9:00 - PM6:00On-site / Zoom [HYBRID]
We are pleased to announce the presentation of students' research on "Architectural Informatics." Please come and see the powerful presentations of young talents, including graduation research and design, master's thesis and design, and undergraduate and graduate research and design.
Architectural Informatics Society (AIS) board members and committee members will review the presentations and award the Best Presentation Award.
Presentation Program:学生レビュー発表プログラムPDF
Organized by Academic Activities Committee

■ Kick-off Party

2024, March 2nd (Sat.) PM7:00-PM9:00 On-site / YouTube LIVE [HYBRID]
"WEEK 2024 Kick-off Party" will be held to introduce the highlights, awards ceremony and present the results of "AIS students Review 2023" and installation exhibition works (Challenge 2023 winning works), and social gathering.

Organized by Community Activities Committee

Special program "KEYNOTE"

今年度のWEEK特別企画「KEYNOTE」ではプリツカー賞受賞建築家Thom Mayne氏の基調講演(事前収録)の放映と、南カリフォルニア建築大学のM. Casey Rehm氏による対面会場での基調講演をお届けします。

Speaker:Thom Mayne
Title: "The Amplification of Interconnectedness" (pre-recorded)
2024, March 3rd(Sun.) AM 10:05 - AM11:05
Pre-recorded lectures will be broadcast at the venue and on YouTube.
視聴URL: https://youtu.be/hHurvAjlXsE?si=32dbnhquyJQ533jK

Thom Mayne

Speaker:Michael Casey Rehm
Title: "Contingent Machines"
2024, March 3rd(Sun.) AM 11:10 -12:10
*This keynote lecture will be held at a face-to-face venue.
*You Tube LIVE straming
アーカイブ視聴URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/bj_YdojmKEI?si=XbpEWMaa2ZwowfzJ

Michael Casey Rehm
ロサンゼルス拠点の事務所Studio-MMRパートナー。同事務所は機械学習、知的エージェント、文化・物質的生産プラットフォームのデザイン統合に取組み、 彼の作品はポンピドゥー・センター、FRACセンター、ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス、シカゴ美術館など国内外で展示されている。Google Artists + Machine Intelligenceを含む人工知能と建築の分野にて多くの助成金を受賞。 現在、南カリフォルニア建築大学にて教鞭を執り、建築技術修士課程コーディネーターやプラットフォーム&オートメーション研究所ディレクターを務める。

Trend survey program "CENSUS 2024"

Survey response acceptance period: February 15th - March 31th 2024.
Session (YouTube LIVE):2024, March 4th(Mon.) PM7:00-PM7:30

AIS CENSUS is a survey program. Targeted at a wide range of people including practitioners, students, and researchers.
Both members and non-members are welcome to respond. The purpose of the survey is to identify the current state of architectural informatics in the context of daily practice and research activities, and to gain insight into developments and developments. Responses will take approximately 15 minutes. Please give us your frank opinions about your own environment and interests.
Benefits for those who cooperate with the answer
For all respondents, from the AIS White Paper 2022-2023
The URL of the expert essay (part 2), will be delivered at a later date.

And we will hold a session (YouTube LIVE) for you to respond to CENSUS on the spot. (March 4th PM7:00-) Please see the session for a detailed explanation of CENSUS, including evaluation methods.
"CENSUS 2024" Form
Organized by Research Activities Committee

Educational Activities Committee "Challenge 2023 Review"

2024, March 3rd(Sun.) PM3:00-PM4:00 On-site / YouTube LIVE [HYBRID]
Commentary by the creators(Challenge 2023 Grand Prize works) about the installation works exhibited at the venue. Grand Prize: "Chimera laminated wood column space" Hajime Noda, Yuki Mizuno, Nozomu Sudo

Grand Prize: "Chimera laminated wood column space" Hajime Noda, Yuki Mizuno, Nozomu Sudo
Organized by Educational Activities Committee

Special "Round Table Session" by invited organizer

2024, March 3rd(Sun.) PM5:30-PM6:30 On-site / YouTube LIVE [HYBRID]
Theme:「AI in Architecture: Beyond Imagery」

Gilles Retsin(AUAR) *Remote

Leo Stuckardt(MVRDV) *Remote

Michael Casey Rehm(Studio-MMR)

Invited Organizer:

Yasushi Ishida
1977年兵庫県神戸市生まれ/2000年京都大学総合人間学部卒業/2004年南カリフォルニア建築大学修士課程卒業/Michael Maltzan Architecture、Morphosis Architects、Gensler、阿部仁史アトリエ等勤務後、ウッドベリー大学客員助教、カリフォルニア州立工科大学ポモナ校講師を経て、2023年よりハワイ大学マノア校建築学科助教。

アーカイブ視聴URL: https://youtube.com/live/w7Ms-Q6A2BE?feature=share

Annual Academic Conference "Round Table Session"

2024, March 3rd(Sun.) AM9:00-PM6:30 On-site /YouTube LIVE [HYBRID]
2024, March 4th(Mon.) AM9:00-PM7:00 YouTube LIVE [ONLINE]
2024, March 5th(Tue.) AM9:00-PM7:00 YouTube LIVE [ONLINE]
The Round Table Session is a new conference format designed to shift the focus of academic exchange from the traditional focus on research presentations to a focus on discussions on specific topics proposed by AIS members. Each session will consist of four panelists in principle, including the session organizer, who has a strong interest in the topic. The participants will have 60 minutes to discuss the topic prepared by the session organizer.
We expect in-depth discussions and exchanges of ideas on topics appropriate for the development and enlightenment of Architectural Informatics that are not available elsewhere. Discussions will be recorded and made available to the membership.
The following sessions have been adopted as round table sessions for this year's academic exchange conference of the Architectural Information Society, after a careful review of the applications by the conference executive committee.
"Round Table Session" List and schedule (New tab)
*The archives will be made available to AIS members only.

AIS WEEK 2024 Executive Committee
Satoru Sugihara (Delegate of Architectural Informatics Society / ATLV)
Eriko Kitamoto (Educational Activities Committee of AIS, Kanagawa Institute of Technology)
Keiichiro Taniguchi (Delegate of AIS / The University of Tokyo / Studio Nora)
Toshiki Hirano (International Activities Committee of AIS / The University of Tokyo)
Shohei Miyata (The University of Tokyo)
Kenichi Kabeya (vicc)
Arastoo Khajehee(vicc)
Kaito Horio (vicc)
Taisei Yabe (vicc)
Kazuki Masaki (Mark Foster Gage Architects)
Takuomi Samejima (SHoP Architects)
Kaon Ko (Tokyo University of Science)
Cullen Yoshihiko Fu(BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group)
Ko Tsuruta (USI Università della Svizzera italiana)
Takashi Ohira (BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group)
Nicolas Rogeau (The University of Tokyo)
Ruri Natsuki (secretariat of Architectural Informatics Society)

Graphic Pattern Generated by Satoru Sugihara
Flyer Design by Ruri Natsuki