1. basic concept
2. collection of personal information
When acquiring personal information, the society will clearly define the purpose of use and acquire such information by appropriate and fair means to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose.
3. purpose of use of personal information
(1)To provide information on various services, publications, job offers, and events of the Society and organizations that cooperate, agree, sponsor, or co-sponsor with the Society.
(2) Administrative communications necessary for society activities and operations
(3)Viewing and distribution of membership lists to members
(4) Providing and sending notices of general meetings, the Society's journal, and various related materials
(5) Encouragement of research and commendation of research achievements
4. management of personal data
The society will take appropriate security measures to protect personal data against external leakage, unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and other risks. In addition, the Society will strive to educate and enlighten its administrative staff to raise awareness of the protection of personal data.
5. Supervision of contractors
JSME may outsource all or part of the handling of personal data. The JSME selects contractors that are recognized as handling personal data appropriately, and supervises the contractors to ensure that personal data is managed and kept confidential, and that personal data is not leaked.
6. provision of personal data to third parties
The society will not disclose or provide personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual. However, the society may disclose or provide personal data without the consent of the individual in cases where such disclosure or provision is required by law.
7. Response to Requests for Disclosure, Correction, etc., Suspension of Use, etc.
When the Society receives a request for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision to a third party of retained personal data or records provided to a third party from the individual concerned or a person authorized to act on his/her behalf in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, the Society shall confirm the identity of the individual or person authorized to act on his/her behalf in accordance with the prescribed procedures and respond appropriately in accordance with the Act. Upon confirmation of the identity of the individual or the person authorized to act on his/her behalf, the Company will respond appropriately in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.
8. contact for billing and other inquiries
9. continuous review and improvement
本学会は、個人情報の取扱いに関係する法令その他の規程を遵守するとともに、個人情報保護のため本方針の内容を継続的に見直し、改善に努めます。本学会の収集した個人情報に対しては、常に最新のプライバシーポリシーを適用します。このような変更は、いかなるものであれ、本学会の Web サイトに掲載され、掲載日より効力を発揮するものとします。