Review Rules for the Journal of Architectural Informatics Society

改正 2024/3/25

[1] Appointment of reviewers

The Paper Editorial Subcommittee will appoint two reviewers after the submission deadline for papers submitted by the submission deadline. The reviewers will not be limited to members of the AIJ, but will be selected from among those who are familiar with the genre of the submitted papers. The names of the reviewers will be kept confidential from the authors.

[2] Peer review method

Matters that can be checked against the submission rules and writing guidelines will be handled by the Editorial Subcommittee prior to peer review.
The Paper Editorial Subcommittee will examine the review submitted by the reviewers and request additions or corrections as necessary. Reviewers who are requested to make additions or corrections will submit a corrected version within one week.
Re-review" is limited to one revision (a "re-review" decision on a revised manuscript for "re-review" is not acceptable).
A reviewer who has not submitted a review form within four weeks of acceptance for peer review shall be deemed to have abandoned the review process. In such cases, the Paper Editorial Subcommittee will meet to decide whether to make a decision at the Subcommittee or to request another reviewer.

[3] 評価項目

 (a) The content should be based on a thorough understanding of the purpose of building informatics.
 (c) Appropriateness of experimental and investigative methods: Appropriate for the purpose. It must also be ethical.
 (d) Correspondence with previous related studies: The position of the study with respect to previous related studies should be clarified.
 (e) Appropriateness of expression: The paper should adequately summarize the main idea of the paper.
 (h) Neutrality to commercialism: The name of the company, product, facility, etc. must not be used without permission.
査読者は、著者が申告する論文のタイプ(表1)とカテゴリー(表2)の内容に留意して上記に示すa)~h)の評価を行う。特にShort Communicationの場合、字数が短い論文であることを考慮して評価を行うこと。

表1 論文のタイプ
タイプ Contents 本文の言語と字数
Research Article オリジナルの研究について論じた論文(原著論文) 英語
4000-10000 words
Review 建築情報学に関わる研究結果の概要や評価をまとめ、過去に発表された研究論文の二次的な情報源となる論文(総説) 英語
4000-10000 words
Short Communication オリジナルな研究成果をより短くまとめた論文(短報) 英語 2000-4000 words
Japanese (language)
5000-10000 文字
表2 論文のカテゴリー
Ⅰ 理論・技術論文 建築情報学に関わる完成度および信頼性の高い研究について論じたもの タイプ*:A,S
Ⅱ 実践・応用論文 建築情報学に関わる実践的な試みや応用について論じたもの。多様な技術や知識、他の研究に展開可能な議論を含み、当学会が認める意義のあるもの タイプ*:A,S
Ⅲ コンセプト論文 斬新な発想による新たな概念や手法を提示するもので発展性があると判断される先端的な研究について論じたもの タイプ*:A,S
Ⅳ レビュー論文 建築情報学に関わる研究結果の概要や評価をまとめ、過去に発表された研究論文の二次的な情報源となるもの タイプ*:R
カテゴリー Contents タイプ*
理論・技術論文 建築情報学に関わる完成度および信頼性の高い研究について論じたもの A,S
実践・応用論文 建築情報学に関わる実践的な試みや応用について論じたもの。多様な技術や知識、他の研究に展開可能な議論を含み、当学会が認める意義のあるもの A,S
コンセプト論文 斬新な発想による新たな概念や手法を提示するもので発展性があると判断される先端的な研究について論じたもの A,S
レビュー論文 建築情報学に関わる研究結果の概要や評価をまとめ、過去に発表された研究論文の二次的な情報源となるもの R

*A: Research Article, R: Review, S: Short Communication

[4] 判定方法

 (a) If the decisions of the two reviewers are both "Accept" or "Reject", the submitted paper will be accepted or rejected.
 (b) If one reviewer is "accepted" and the other is "conditionally accepted," or if both reviewers are "conditionally accepted," the revised manuscript will be reviewed by the Editorial Subcommittee to determine acceptance.
 c) If one reviewer is "Adopted" or "Conditionally Adopted" and the other reviewer is "Re-reviewed", or if both reviewers are "Re-reviewed", the reviewer who made the decision of "Re-review" will make a decision of "Adopted", "Adopted with conditions" or "Rejected" within four weeks for the revised manuscript and report to the Editorial Subcommittee.

[5] 二重投稿に対する対処

If a submitted manuscript is identical in content to a paper that has been submitted or is in the process of being submitted to a publication that involves the review of papers, it will be considered a double submission and will be rejected. If the double submission is discovered at a later date, it will be withdrawn at the discretion of the Editorial Subcommittee. Submissions or presentations to journals other than peer-reviewed journals will be considered as progress reports of research and will not be considered as double submissions.

[6] 査読者への謝金

An honorarium of 5,000 yen will be paid to the reviewer after the final judgment of the submitted paper is finalized (no honorarium will be paid if the review is waived).

... and upwards