Annual Academic Conference 2023エントリー受付中。1/23まで!

建築情報学会 年次学術交流大会
Architectural Informatics Society Annual Academic Conference
Guidelines for joining “Round Table session”

会員の皆様につきましては建築情報学会へのご参加とご支援、誠にありがとうございます。建築情報学会では2023年3月3日〜7日の間に、建築情報学会 総会といくつかの企画を合わせた建築情報学会WEEK2023を予定しています。

We are thankful to all members of the Architectural Informatics Society for participating and supporting us. AIS is planning to have an annual event “AIS Week 2023” from March 3th to 7th combining various programs including an annual general meeting. “Round Table Session”, an intensive academic discussion, is expecting AIS members holding special interest to participate. Please follow these guidelines to apply for our novel style of Annual Academic Conference.

1. 概要

1. Overview
The Round Table Session is a new conference format designed to shift the focus of academic exchange from the traditional focus on research presentations to a focus on discussions on specific themes proposed by AIS members. Each session will consist of up to four panelists, including the session organizer, who has a strong interest in the topic. The participants will have 60 minutes to discuss the topic prepared by the session organizer. We expect in-depth discussions and exchanges of opinions on topics suitable for the development and advancement of architectural informatics that is not made available elsewhere. The discussion will be recorded and made accessible to the AIS members.

2. セッション・オーガナイザーの公募
ラウンド・テーブル・セッションのセッション・オーガナイザーに応募することを希望するAIS会員は、下記の内容とともにリンクのセッション公募Google Formから期日までに応募してください。
応募Google Form:

  •  セッション・テーマ(日本語及び英語)
  •  使用言語(日本語のみ・英語のみ・英日併用のいずれか)
  •  テーマ概説(使用言語に応じて、日本語500字以内 英文200語以内の両方あるいは、いずれか一つ)
  •  パネリスト候補者(打診前も含め、検討中のもの。いない場合はその旨を明記)
  •  参考主著論文(応募者の主著論文であれば、新規、既出、学内論文など問わない)

2. Call for Session Organizer
AIS members who wish to apply for the position of session organizer for the Round Table Session should submit their application using the Google Form link for Session Application. The applications should be submitted by the deadline and include the information below.
The organizing committee will select and notify you of the theme based on the application.

AIS members who wish to apply for the position of session organizer for the round table sessions are requested to apply with the following information.
The Organizing Committee will select the themes based on the applications.
Google Form:
(Due to: January 23, 2023)

  • Session theme (in Japanese and English)
  • Outline of the theme (500 words or less in Japanese, 200 words or less in English: both or either one of them, depending on the language used)
  • List of candidates for panelists (you may include names that are not confirmed.)
  • Reference publications (regardless of whether they are new, previously published, or published within a university, as long as they are the applicant’s main authored papers)

3. メンターとの調整

3. Mentor
Each accepted session proposal will be assigned a member of the Executive Committee as a mentor, who will give advice on the content of the session and the selection of panelists. The session organizer will work with the mentor to finalize the program by the deadline.

4. ラウンド・テーブル・セッションの形式と構成
使用言語は 英語・日本語・英日併用の3種類からあらかじめ選択して下さい。


終了後1週間以内に、セッション・オーガナイザーはWebに掲載する議論のまとめ(日本語1000字以内 英文300語以内)を提出してください

4. Format and Structure of the Round Table Session
The round table session in 2023 will be conducted online. However, according to the organizers’ decision, It is possible to allow only the organizers and panelists to meet in person at a venue prepared by the Organizing Committee. After the panelists have been selected, the organizers will ask the panelists to submit their preferred time between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Japan time, after which Organizing Committee will make adjustments to the programs accordingly.

The discussion will be broadcast and recorded for all members. The round table discussions can be held in English, Japanese, or English-Japanese. Round table sessions will be moderated by the session organizers, who will use the following model to structure the 60-minutes session. Panelists are not required to give presentations, but if necessary, please treat them as part of the discussion.
Presentation by the organizer on the session theme for about 20 minutes
Panelists’ responses and opinions on the presentations: about 40 minutes

Within a week from the end of the session, session organizers are requested to submit a summary of the discussion (1000 signs or less in Japanese, 300 words or less in English) for posting on the web.
Questions from the audience can only be entered in text format and should be answered by the session organizer within one week after the end of the session.

5. 日程
– セッション・オーガナイザー公募期間:
– セッション・テーマ採択通知:
– プログラム確定:
– ラウンド・テーブル・セッション開催:

5. Schedule
– Open Call Period for Session Organizers:
  December 12, 2022 – January 23, 2023
– Notification of acceptance of session themes:
  January, 2023
– Program finalization:
  February 13, 2023
– Round Table Sessions to be held:
  March 5-7, 2023

6. その他

6. Other
The most important feature of the Round Table Session organization is that members can propose topics for discussion freely. In fact, the AIS. does not yet have any defined field of study or classification of themes for the discussion. We hope that members will actively discuss what kinds of themes should be addressed by the AIS.
It might be quite difficult to gather researchers who have particular interests and experience in a given topic, across disciplines and organizations, and on an international scale. Especially in the field of architectural informatics, which aims to create a new fusion of architecture and information, it is not easy to have such an opportunity, so we have prepared this conference as a way to promote academic advancement.
We hope to have useful discussions from different perspectives on a variety of topics, not only research-related but also practical and educational, including leading researchers from abroad, pioneers who have followed the topic from early on, and people with concrete practical experience. Any member can apply to be a session organizer, but especially those who are preparing a doctoral thesis or a peer-reviewed paper for the Architectural Informatics Society are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to directly exchange opinions with highly qualified panelists in a free and open discussion platform.